
Brow Shape

Brows are waxed, tweezed and trimmed to perfection! We sculpt your brows to match your face shape. At the Beauty Bubble our brow shaping service is an elevated experience where your brows are measured and mapped out evenly to ensure that the end result is perfectly symmetrical!

Brow Shape - $34


Brow Dye

At the Beauty Bubble we use a highly pigmented dye that colours both your hairs and skin, providing a graphic result that lasts up to 7 days on the skin and up to 4 weeks on the hair. ‘Dye’ is a new and improved way of ‘tinting’ your brows and involves a very similar process. Our dyes allow us to control how intense or how natural your brow shape can appear depending on your desired look.

Brow Dye - $39

Brow Shape & Dye - $59


Brow Lamination

Brow lamination involves “perming” of your eyebrow hairs to provide a fuller, fluffier, more even look. This treatment helps to eliminate sparse areas you may have in your brows.

It is done using a gentle perm solution, neutralising lotion, and moisturising treatment to temporarily relax and redirect your brow hairs upwards and into place. Because the hairs are relaxed, they appear longer, giving the effect of a larger brow shape. The hairs also become more flexible after lamination, making this a great service if you are looking for a ‘fluffy’ brow without the need for a brow gel. 

This treatment is particularly good if your natural brow hairs are curly, unruly, or point multiple directions.  We recommend purchasing our aftercare solution to nourish your brows daily.

Brow Lamination - $69

Brow Lamination & Shape - $109

Brow Lamination, Shape & Dye - $119

Brow Lamination Maintenance - $69

Brow Laminations should last 6-8 weeks, however this can vary between clients due to different circumstances e.g hormones, skin conditions, line of work etc.

A Brow Lamination Maintenance appointment is recommended after 4 weeks to refresh your brows and keep the lamination looking fresh. This service includes a brow shape, dye and salon quality brow treatment to add nourishment back into the hairs.



We offer a variety of waxing services for your face and upper body. These can be booked as a treatment or add on to any other service

Lip Wax - $15

Chin Wax - $15

Nostrils - $15

Full Face - $70

Under Arms - $30


Additional Luxe Services

Jelly Mask - Full Face $50

Jelly Mask - Brow Area $20

Under Eye Mask - $15

Lip Mask - $15


Make sure that your skin is clean as your follicles will be open.

  • Continue to moisturise as normal.

  • Do not use abrasive exfoliants in the waxed areas as this can cause irritation and ingrowns.

  • Do not have your skin exposed to the sun for 24hrs after your treatment. 

  • Do not swim in chlorine 24hrs after your treatment. 

  • Avoid sweating and intense exercise for 24 hrs after your treatment. If you do, shower and cleanse immediately to avoid the open follicle being infected as this can cause pimples or folliculitis.