Want To Get The Most Out Of Your Lash Appointment?
There are two types of people. One who looks forward to laying on the lash bed and one who is counting down the minutes for their appointment to be over.
Your lash appointment is ‘you’ time, and time that you have invested in so you might as well enjoy it.
My advice is - switching off. Our lives are so busy and sometimes its hard to remove yourself from the madness but this is a way you are forced to do it.
Don't forget - the more relax you are, the more relaxed your lash tech will be. Applying Eyelash extensions is tedious and requires stillness for maximum precision. If you are not relaxed and calm, your lash tech can feel this like we said, this is your investment. You want to have the best job done possible, but it does take two to make it work as every slight movement by the client will affect the final product.
So, you can do this by trying not to count down the time. Use your appointment to relax and unwind from your busy day.
Try and avoid coffee before your appointment as the caffeine does make your eyes twitch and your body jittery. Coffee also doesn't let your body completely relax - this is why we drink it right?
Make sure you let your lash tech knows if you are feeling uncomfortable. Whether the pillow is not sitting right, you are feeling cold, the eye pads are creeping up, you are feeling any sort of eye discomfort. So remember, don't forget to speak up! Your lash tech wants you feeling relaxed throughout your whole appointment but these are things that we do not know unless you tell us.
The more comfortable you are, the better job you will get. We want you to be happy.
Keep floating xx